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A/CCRP Course + Textbook (AKYLADE Certified Cyber Resilience Practitioner)
💡0.1 Become an AKYLADE Certified Cyber Resilience Practitioner (1:11)
👋 0.2 Welcome to the Course! (10:36)
📚 0.3 How to Access Course Resources
🧩 0.4 Lesson Components
🥊 0.5 What to Expect on Exam Day and How to CRUSH It (3:26)
🏋️♂️ 0.6 Exam Readiness: More Tips
Chapter 11: The CR-MAP Process
📚️ 11.1 Introduction & Exam Objectives (8:27)
🌟 11.2 The CR-MAP Process - Featuring Dr. Gerald Auger (10:40)
⚠️ 11.3 CR-MAP Process Phase 1 Primer: Discover Your Top Cyber Risks (5:59)
📝 11.4 CR-MAP Process Phase 2 Primer: Create Your Action Plan (6:49)
🛠️ 11.5 CR-MAP Process Phase 3 Primer: Maintenance and Updates (2:51)
🤔 11.6 The Five Questions (2:34)
🛡️ 11.7 Fostering Security Culture (9:07)
⚖️ 11.8 Attorney-Client Privilege (2:47)
✅ 11.9 Conclusion and Touchpoints (2:19)
📝 11.10 Quiz
Chapter 12 - Phase 1: Discovering Top Cyber Risks
📚️ 12.1 Introduction & Exam Objectives (5:02)
🧭 12.2 Be a Compass for Risk Decisions (2:34)
🌐 12.3 Step 1: Widen Your Scope - Part 1 Featuring Dr. Gerald Auger (8:21)
🌐 12.4 Step 1: Widen Your Scope - Part 2 (4:22)
🤝 12.5 Step 2: Get Buy In, "Winning Hearts and Minds" (7:37)
👥 12.6 Step 3: Select Interviewees (3:02)
📋️ 12.7 Step 4: Generate the Questionnaire (7:06)
✔️ 12.8 Step 4 Continued: Scoring Criteria and Question Count (7:21)
🛠️ 12.9 Spreadsheet Lab: How to Make a CR-MAP Scorecard That Wins Hearts and Minds (44:40)
🎯 12.10 Step 5: Determine Target Scores - Featuring Dr. Gerald Auger (5:03)
✨ 12.11 Step 5: Determine Target Scores - Examples (4:48)
📋 12.12 Step 6: Conduct the Interviews (8:17)
📑 12.13 Step 7: Compile and Average the Scores (2:23)
💬 12.14 Step 8: Communicate Your Top 5 Cyber Risks (6:17)
✅ 12.15 Conclusion and Touchpoints (1:53)
📝 12.16 Mastering Cyber Resilience Textbook Chapter 12 Quiz
🔍️ 12.17 Analyzing Network Diagrams Part 1 - Featuring Dr. Gerald Auger (8:08)
🔍️ 12.18 Analyzing Network Diagrams Part 2 - Featuring Dr. Gerald Auger (9:51)
Chapter 13 - Phase 2: Creating a CR-MAP
📚️ 13.1 Introduction & Exam Objectives - Featuring Simply Cyber Jaw Jacking (5:22)
📰 13.2: ASUS Responsible Disclosure Case Study (3:54)
🛡️ 13.3: Responsible Disclosure: 6 More Business Case Studies (5:48)
🔑 13.4: Keys to Success: Prioritization, Roles and Responsibilities, Keep It Simple - Featuring Simply Cyber Jaw Jacking (12:36)
⭐ 13.5: Key Success Factors Continued: Controlling the Rate of Change (4:46)
📈 13.6: Five Steps to Developing an Action Plan (3:29)
🚧 13.7: (Step 1) Close the Identified Gaps - Featuring Dr Gerald Auger (7:40)
🌐 13.8.1: Backgrounder on Supply Chain Risk Management | GV.SC-01 (18:36)
⚠️ Learn How to Assess Third Party Risk (GRC Skills) - TryHackMe Nod, Magnificent 7 and More (8:12)
📜 Governance and Why Policies Matter (7:07)
🧮 Top 2 Spreadsheet Skills for Data Analysis: XLOOKUP and Pivot Tables (3:26)
🔒 Security Questionnaire: PR.DA Protecting Data in Transit and at Rest (7:13)
📋 Security Questionnaire: PR.AA-05 Access Permissions, ID.AM-8 Data Lifecycle (6:02)
📦 13.9: GV.SC-05 (and some GV.SC-07): Requirements to Address Cybersecurity Risks in Supply Chains (7:58)
🤖 13.10: AI Augmented Contract Review - Fabric Demo (6:41)
🌍 13.11: GV.SC-07 Supply Chain Risks Understood, Recorded, Prioritized, Assessed, Responded to, and Monitored (15:03)
🛠️ 13.12: GV.SC: Example Supply Chain Risk Assessment Tools (6:57)
🔐 13.13: PR.AA: Identity Management, Authentication, and Access Control - Featuring Dr. Gerald Auger in the Daily Cyber Threat Briefing! (10:28)
📢 13.14 🧠 PR.AT Awareness and Training (10:31)
📢 13.15 RS.CO: Incident Response Reporting and Communication (9:03)
🤔 13.16 (Step 1) Considerations: Cybersecurity Org Size and Design (9:15)
☕ 13.17 3TCO: 3-Year Total Cost of Ownership - Featuring Jason Dion in Cyber Coffee Hour (19:50)
💡 13.18-Part 1: (Step 2) Business Value Analysis - Featuring Jason Dion in Cyber Coffee Hour (9:17)
💡 13.18-Part 2: (Step 2) Business Value Analysis (20:13)
🗺️ 13.19 (Step 3) Create a Dashboard and Roadmap (4:31)
📊 13.20 (Step 4) Internal Marketing Cyber Risk Scorecard Presentation (9:05)
⭐ 13.21 Internal Marketing Key Success Factors (5:10)
📢 13.22 (Step 5) External Marketing (2:53)
✅ 13.23 Conclusion & Touchpoints (1:55)
📝 13.24 Quiz
Chapter 14 - Phase 3: Maintenance and Updates
📚️ 14.1 Introduction & Exam Objectives (6:05)
🔍 14.2 Equifax Data Breach Case Study (8:51)
🤖 14.3 AI Augmented NIST CSF Assessment (9:40)
👣 14.4 Four Steps (9:59)
🤖 14.5: AI Augmented Risk Assessments - Featuring Dr. Gerald Auger (37:04)
✅ 14.6 Conclusion and Touchpoints (1:57)
📝 14.7 Quiz
🤖 14.8 (Outside Exam Scope): How to Install The Fabric Client (16:23)
Chapter 15 - Exclusive Simply Cyber Academy Content - from Dr. Gerald Auger
🎉 15.1 From (the Legendary) GRC Masterclass: NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 Bonus Material (30:02)
📑 15.2 Resignation Letter Template + 3 Resume Templates
📜 15.3 Enterprise Risk Assessment Security Control "Rosetta Stone"
Chapter 16 - Feedback
💙 16.1 Leave Feedback (0:06)
Practice Exams
Practice Exam #1
Practice Exam #2
Practice Exam #3
Practice Exam #4
Practice Exam #5
Practice Exam #6
Practice Exam #7
Refresher on Chapter 1-10 Foundational Concepts (also testable on A/CCRP): New Questions not in Simply Cyber's A/CCRF Course
🛠️ 11.5 CR-MAP Process Phase 3 Primer: Maintenance and Updates
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