Your Personal Branding Masterclass

Employers want practical skills. SHOW THEM YOU HAVE THEM.

YouTube is the #2 most accessed site on the Internet. Leverage it to establish, showcase, and engage as a practical cybersecurity professional.

Our all-inclusive online course guides you through every step of building a successful YouTube channel. From planning to publishing content, managing with YouTube Studio, to monetizing and networking professionally - we empower you to make your mark on YouTube.

Every Step Covered In-Depth

From channel inception to professional networking, we've got you covered. Learn to navigate YouTube Studio, create captivating content, monetize effectively, and build impactful professional connections.

Full Equipment Breakdowns for Any Budget

YouTube content can be made on any budget, but knowing what tools you need is critical. We go through every step for every budget.

Secrets to Convert YouTube Success into Career Success

Making content is fun, but let's do it so you professionally network, highlight your skills, and leverage it to open opportunities.

Supportive Virtual Student Classroom

You're not alone in this journey. The course has a virtual student classroom for engagement, knowledge share, and networking.

Check Out What You'll Learn Curriculum

  1. Welcome to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. Why Do YouTube? A Meta Look
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. QuickStart Guide
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4. What Type of Content Are We Making?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5 The Hardware Needs (For All Budgets)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6. The Software Needs (For All Budgets)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  7. Editing Content
Available in days
days after you enroll
  8. Leveling Up Your Channel and Content
Available in days
days after you enroll
  9 Discovery! Your Channel and Validated Concepts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  10 Making Money with YouTubing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  11 Promoting Our Channel (Let's Get Subs/Views!)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  12. Course Wrap-Up
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option


Got questions about our course? Check out the FAQ section to find out everything you need to know before embarking on your YouTube journey.

Q0: What's the difference between self-paced and cohort options?

Both self-paced and cohort options give you full access to all videos, resources, and guides for the full course. The cohort one has a live 4-day virtual classroom where you engage with other students and are taught directly by Dr. Gerald Auger. Be sure cohort dates work for your schedule.

Q1: Is this course for me?

If you are breaking into cyber or looking to level up in your career this course will help you. It will show you exactly how to build a successful YouTube channel, but thats the BYPRODUCT, not the primary impact. You will build a personal brand!

Q2: Can you guarantee me a job?

It would be awesome if I could, but no I cannot guarantee a job. If you follow the program to completion and commit to it you will have a greater opportunity of finding opportunities, developing professional networks, and reinforcing your existing knowledge.

Q3: Is this course for beginners or experienced professionals?

Students and cyber pros of any level can take advantage of this course. It's designed from the ground up to be accessible to anyone, and no matter where you are on your career journey there is value.

Q4: Do I need prior experience with YouTube to take this course?

No prior experience making content or using YouTube is needed. The course will help you setup your channel from scratch and give you all the information you need to be successful.

Q5: Will the course teach me specific cyber security skills?

This course is about personal branding to accelerate your cyber career. While some examples I go through would be useful from a cyber development perspective, this is not a cyber practical skills course.

Course Instructor

I'm Gerald Auger, PhD, Chief Content Creator of "Simply Cyber", the YouTube channel that helps anyone launch and grow a cybersecurity career.

I have been making YouTube content since 2019, currently have close to 100,000 subscribers.

I'm breaking down every step of the process from my years of Lessons Learned.

You will learn all my secrets, tips, and best practices!