1.5 100% Pass Guarantee Policy

Last updated: Sept 1, 2024

My commitment to providing value to you and confidence that this course will prepare you to pass the AKYLADE Certified Cyber Resilience Fundamentals exam is supported by a 100% Pass Guarantee policy when you purchase the Course Bundle that includes an exam voucher.

If you do not pass your certification within 60 days of enrolling in this course after completing all of the following, I offer a free exam retake:

  • Video lectures
  • Chapter quizzes
  • Practice exams with scores of 70%

If after meeting these requirements you do not pass your certification exam, contact [email protected] within 30 days to verify your eligibility for the retake. Once confirmed that you have completed the course and failed the exam within 60 days from your course enrolment, I will process your retake voucher.

This Pass Guarantee policy applies only to my courses purchased from the Simply Cyber Academy. It does not cover any third-party fees and can be claimed only once.

I believe in the quality of my training and want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. However, if you choose not to take the certification exam, I cannot offer a refund or exchange. All course and exam voucher sales are final and non-refundable.

For questions about my Pass Guarantee policy or assistance with the course, please contact me at [email protected]. I am here to help you succeed in your career goals.

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